
Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Busy, Busy, Busy!

Hello, hello!

Today, when I realized I hadn't renewed my SCBWI membership since Who Knows When, I realized I also hadn't updated my blog in about two years. Holy moly!

Since my last blog post, a lot of Life changes have occurred. My husband and I had adopted two more shelter kitties (definitely an adjustment), purchased our first home (a new build, and wow was that ever a project), moved (never doing THAT again- we're living here forever), and now we're expecting our first baby in January! (a boy, and we're thrilled!)

And to top off all that goodness, I got a book deal!

So now I am currently illustrating a non fiction picture book for Tilburyhouse. It has definitely been both a challenge and a learning experience. The final art is due next February, but Little Baby Chan is due in January, so I am trying my hardest to finish everything before then.

I have a LOT to do before January comes! But I will be back again, when I can share more about the book. (And eventually tidy up the blog and website!) See you soon!


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