
Thursday, May 8, 2014

YES, I'm Still Here!

Hi There!

Just wanted to pop in and say "Hello!" as I'm busy working on a bunch of things all at once right now. These past few months I've been working on: logos, custom tees, Save the Dates, wedding invitations, classroom visits, blogging for Little Raindrop, writing and drawing for Little Raindrop, etc, etc, etc! Plus, I've been painting the house, finished putting together the Standing Studio, doing weddingy things for my cousin's upcoming Big Day, AND we have our first kitty in the family now, which is a big deal for us! Busy busy!

So come on over to Little Raindrop's blog to see what we've been up to lately!

LR Stickers and Book Plates!
A wedding Save the Date magnet!
A wedding invitation!
My parting gifts from some super cute 3rd graders!
Our "new" kitty adopted from the shelter!

Thanks for keeping tabs on me! ;)

1 comment:

  1. Glad to see you're keeping busy with art, Melanie. We missed you at the conference...let's aim to meet up in 2016 (if not sooner)!
