
Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Back to School Again!

Last night I started RISD CE's Children's Book Illustration III class, taught by the published children's book artist Emilie Boon. (Love her work!) It's great to be back in class, surrounded by my friends and people who love books and art as much as I do!

The class will be broken up into three parts, with a new finished product due at the end of each part. Part I consists of creating child characters, Part II will focus on animal character design, and Part III focuses on storyboarding. As we move along through the course, each student will be honing in on their chosen medium and style and playing up to their strengths, so that we'll each have a more consistent look in our portfolios.

Speaking of style- Emilie shared with us a tidbit on finding one's own style from Dan Santat's blog. (Love his work, too!) Very nice little piece, and it reminds me a lot of what I'm going through. Trying new things, doing stuff because I like doing it (probably more than I like how it looks), and overall playing to my strengths and doing things the way I want to do them. It's okay to be in love with another artist's art... attempt making it for yourself... and then realizing "that's just not the way I work!"

In other news, I am working out a contract/price for my soon-to-be client! Woo hoo! Let's hope we can find a happy medium between the two of us, because if we do, I'm estimating by Spring of 2012 I'll be a freshly published illustrator!

Time to get some homework done, so see you later! :)

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