
Tuesday, August 30, 2011

From Start to Finish: River Habitat!

Hello hello!

Here are some snapshots I took as I worked on the River Habitat piece for Project #4. If my client is happy with it, we might just sign a contract to do a whole book! Woo hoo!

Initial sketch...


Done Inking


Basic Colors

Deepening of Colors

Allllmost there!

and the final scan...

I don't have the graphic elements painted, like the little not or photograph of the Bald Eagle, but those will be done separately. But I'm happy with it! I'm curious to know... what do you think? (Kind criticism is welcome.)


  1. Lovely! I'll keep my fingers crossed that you get the contract.

  2. Super cute! I love seeing half in the water and half on the ground. very cool n.n

  3. beautifully done! i might have some people you can send this to as a sample for possible future work if you're interested.
