
Monday, May 27, 2013

From Start to Finish: Froggie Birthday Invitation!

Hello hello!

Today I'm sharing my latest project: a birthday invitation for a cute little boy named Nathan!

Nathan's family has been friends with our family for ages, so when his mom decided she wanted a custom invitation made, she knew just where to turn. Originally, she was looking for something with Kermit the frog on it, as the character has a very special meaning to the family. We knew that since he is a copyrighted character, I couldn't actually create something with Kermit on it, so I chose to use him as inspiration instead!

I began by sketching out a basic layout, based on my client's idea:

Using Photoshop, I scanned the sketch and kept the line work to come up with a cleaner design layout:

I found I really liked the rough lines from my original sketch, and with my client's approval, I decided to turn it into a design element. So I roughed up the text a bit, and added texture to the background:

My client and I were both happy with the results, so from there I created my own little Froggie:

The front...
The back

He very much captures the essence of the real Kermit without infringing on anyone's rights, (at least not intentionally!). This way, Nathan's family will still be able to recognize the cherished character that decorated his hospital room, and who helped them keep their chins up as they wished upon a star for their little boy's recovery. Hence, the theme, "A wish come true- Nathan is two!"

We're all so excited to be able to wish Nathan a very Happy Birthday!!!

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