
Thursday, October 11, 2012

Project In Progress: #Owl Art


I've been busy lately getting ready for the holiday season. "ALREADY?!?!" you say. Yes, already!

Firstly, I have been ordering prints of my work, matting and packaging them, so I may sell them in time for Christmas! I have plans to do a special Art Sale and Show at the family restaurant for November, and I'm just working out the details how I'm going to go about it. I will also be uploading images of my prints online at my online print store through, here on my own little shop:

Secondly, I have been busy creating new calendars for 2013, also for sale here at the family business. I don't know if I'll be making it available to order online in my Cafe Press shop ( however, I shall let you know if I do! It will be featuring all of the art I still haven't displayed in last year's calendar, so it isn't new stuff... but it's new stuff to many customers who really haven't seen my art yet.

And Thirdly... Originally, I wanted 2013's calendar to have all new owl art... but stuff has been going on at home lately that has kept me out of the studio. I still want to finish the art for next year, though! So here are a few snapshots of what I'm working on right now:

Art Copyright 2012 Melanie Linden Chan

Art Copyright 2012 Melanie Linden Chan

Art Copyright 2012 Melanie Linden Chan

Art Copyright 2012 Melanie Linden Chan
Art Copyright 2012 Melanie Linden Chan

As you might notice, I'm starting to play around with colored inks! It's quite fun, and although I've got a good idea how I want to complete each painting, actually accomplishing what is in my Mind's Eye is going to be pretty difficult. So I've got a challenge ahead of me!

1 comment:

  1. The owls are GORGEOUS!!! And its definitely not too soon to prepare for holiday sales! I am hoping to find some time to start thinking along those lines myself this weekend!! :)
