
Monday, April 2, 2012

Surprises, and On Turning Thirty

Hello Friends!
Today I am writing from a TOP SECRET location... Actually, I'm on a mini getaway trip with my husband, in New Hampshire!
We came home from work last Saturday night, and after putting together a late dinner, my husband climbs up into the attic and brings down our luggage. "Pack for a few days!" he says to me.
For my thirtieth birthday, my husband, (who is awesome by the way. He does the dishes AND cooks for me.) chose to surprise me by calling us both out of work for the next few days and whisking me off to New Hampshire for some much needed R&R.
Funny how one day you think you're going to be cleaning the house and the next your find yourself getting a massage in a fancy spa!
This milestone birthday celebration happens to parallel with the feelings I have about my life goals, my career, and my art.
When asked as a child what I was going to be when I grew up, and how I was going to do that, I'd answer simply, "I'm going to be a Disney animator and I'm going to RISD!" As I grew up, I had always thought that by 30 I would have had children by now, and even own my dream house. I never thought I'd be here, on my own website, blogging about books and art, and how I'm going about making them myself. This doesn't sound as glamorous as being a Disney animator, but I wouldn't trade what I have right now for the world. And drawing repetitive animation cels doesn't sound as fun as it used to!
Funny how one day you wish you could win the Mega Millions, and the next you remember... you're already a winner.
I might not be where I thought I'd be at this time in my life. And some times I wonder, as we all do, what regrets I'll have later on. But right now, I don't regret any of the choices I've made, because they all make me who I am, and where I am, and gave me the person who is dozing next to me right now.
So I'm going to enjoy the last half hour of being in my twenties watching a silly television show by myself, next to the one I've loved since my teens, and will continue love through my thirties and on...
And three is my favorite number, anyway!

Melanie Linden Chan
Children's Book Illustrator
SCBWI Member


  1. Happy birthday! And it sounds like you hit the lottery of life with work you love and a hubby like yours.

    With all good wishes,
