
Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Other Ways I Spend My Time: Comedy Tragedy #Tattoo!

Hi There!

So last week I was finally able to finish illustrating a tattoo design for a friend. I've designed two so far in my little lifetime, which I'll share with you once I have pretty photos of the final pieces. Tattoos are great little projects because you revise them a million times until they are just right, and then when you see all the progress you've made from point A to point B, it's truly amazing! AND, the best part, is your art ends up as a permanent piece of work on a body! How cool is that?!?

The tattoo requested needed the following items/themes: comedy tragedy masks, yin and yang, music notes, hidden initials, sparkles and "swirlies" and colors that matched an already existing tattoo.

My earliest sketches were just warm ups to get a feel for the project. Generally, my warm up sketches are quite lame. I'm seriously considering not even posting them, however, there needs to be a beginning somewhere, so here it is... *cringe*

The best part about that page was by the time it started to get full, I had gotten a spark of true inspiration, and it led me to this:

I shared it with my friend who made some suggestions, and also sent me photos of her preexisting tattoo...

original tat
brightened for color reference

And then I drew and painted a final piece, scanned it and colored it digitally for the tattoo artist's reference, and I have everything ready for her to pick up!

hand painted

digitally colored

I can't wait to share the final product with you! :D

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