
Monday, April 30, 2012

Little Raindrop: The First Two Chapters in #BookDummy form!

Text & Ideas © 2012 Richard Halttunen
Art & Characters © 2012 Melanie Linden Chan
All rights reserved.

I've finally put together a book dummy of the first two chapters of Little Raindrop's story!

There is nothing like the feeling of a story becoming a book. You can leaf through its pages, see how the page turns work, and get an overall feel of the story as a whole when it is in a tangible form.

This is easily proven by the reactions I have been getting from friends and customers at work when I plop the book down on the table and say, "Check it out! Tell me what you think!" I've been telling them about the story for ages- about its topic and the story line and the layout, the whole shebang. But until they can hold it in their hands, it's hard for people to understand what it is I've been working on all these months.

And the feedback I'm getting from them has been super positive! Adults, parents, teachers, twenty-somethings, and KIDS... so far everyone has been impressed with the work that Richard, the author, and I have been doing. This is what has been happening:
-I expect some to leaf through it and say, "cool." Instead, they start reading the story right away! (Even when dinner arrives at the table, they push it aside until they're done with the book! This is HOT FRESH Chinese food they are pushing aside, my friends!) 
-Another customer, an old grump of a man who loves to give me a hard time, and who I suspect barely reads the newspaper, read the dummy from front to back (and without his reading glasses). A nod and a big smile, and "where's the rest of it?" 
-An older couple tells me the only problem with the book is "we don't have any little ones to buy it for!" 
-A boy, who turns ten today (HAPPY BIRTHDAY  MISTER!!!) saw the book dummy and said, "This book's gonna be SICK!" Meaning: "When this book is complete and published, I shall enjoy reading it immensely." 
-A fifth grade boy learned something new from the book dummy. (So this book is not just for 3rd graders!) 
-Awesome friends sit in shock, saying that it looks like a REAL book. 
-Awesome customers mistake the dummy for an ACTUAL book.
Not only that, but by giving people a sneak peek at the book, they tell me to make sure I remember to SELL THEM A COPY when it's finished!

*runs in circles*

I really can't wait for tonight's Crit Group meeting with my RISD friends at the Providence Athenaeum! I want to hear what the artists, designers, and writers have to say. The book needs work, and editing, and I know they'll help me find ways to make the book even better!

I just can't wait to share this book with the world! :D

Text & Ideas © 2012 Richard Halttunen
Art & Characters © 2012 Melanie Linden Chan
All rights reserved.
Text & Ideas © 2012 Richard Halttunen
Art & Characters © 2012 Melanie Linden Chan
All rights reserved.

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