
Monday, April 23, 2012

It's Monday already?!?!

Well! This week went by FAST!

I don't have anything super awesome to share with you, however, I did finish sketching out the first two chapters of Little Raindrop's book yesterday. And now I can finally turn those sketches into a nice, clean book dummy which I will be using to get some feedback from Mr. H's third grade group of professionals, and our RISD Illustrator Crit Group!

This is an important step, because I will learn what needs to be changed, and if the layout is working, and the overall book design is going where it should. If it is, I can continue on working the way I have been. But if I end up with a list of things that need work, then I will double back and re-work it a bit before moving on with the rest of the book.

Also, this past weekend, I missed out on the NESCBWI conference in MA. I missed the workshops, the fun, and I missed seeing so many friends win awards! I'm so proud of them! Missing it all bummed me out more than I expected it would. But I chose to spend more time on the book instead, and it feels good knowing that I truly did meet some sort of a landmark in my own way. (I just know better for next time not to consider skipping a conference!)

So, no art today! I've got to get rolling on that dummy!
Have a great week!
p.s. As soon as everyone posts their winning pieces I'll re-post them here! :D Aww, forget it, I'm making a new post for this!

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