
Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Children's Book Illustration 3: Project 1, Part 1


This past week in class we each chose a sample story, and our homework was to storyboard it and draw up some character art. Our homework this week is to choose one page layout and draw a final sketch, and to put together a selection of character poses to use as final art. So here it all is, in one package! Woo!

The story I chose happens to be a poem that was featured a few months ago in the children's magazine called Ladybug. (That particular magazine is my favorite, because of the age group and the art that comes out of it. I get Cricket in the mail as well, but I generally like Ladybug better.) Anyhow, the story is about a girl named Zoey who tries to get her dog to do things, and her dog Sam does just the opposite.

I chose to put the two in a winter atmosphere, so Zoey will be from the Inuit tribe (Eskimo) and Sam is her sled dog. The back story I came up with, not mentioned in the poem, is that Zoey wants to have Sam take her on the sled to go ice fishing. But Sam really wants to walk together, not pull everything, so that's why he's fighting her the whole time. In the end, Zoey chooses to give in and just be friends, and they go off together the way it should have been in the first place, as equals.

So here it is:

Initial Character Sketches

More Developed Characer...

This is what I was looking for!

Sam the sled dog

Story board, based on the 8 page standard

Composition sketch

and the final composition....

Might add a few more details here and there, and the sky will be orange as the sun sets.

Next week, we do color comps! See you then! :)

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