
Monday, August 15, 2011

Koala Cake!

Has it nearly been a month already since my last post? Sheesh!

Well I've got stuff to show you from my new client, but that will be in my next post. (Got to stay organized, you know.) Let me share with you the latest cake- though I doubt it's the last. Classes don't start until September... I wonder who else will weasel in a cake order before then? (This isn't an invitation for new orders, I am just musing!)

Anyway, this particular cake was made for my sister's college graduation party. She's smart, creative, and fabulously fun to be around, and now that she has a teaching degree for Elementary Education, she's even cooler in my book! I combined her favorite animal and color, and there ya go...

PS. This character design is of my own creation... although it's not super inventive, I'm still fond of it and I'd rather you not copy it. Thanks :)

© 2011 Melanie Linden Chan (The files are doing that wacky thing again,
rotating without my permission.)

© 2011 Melanie Linden Chan

© 2011 Melanie Linden Chan

© 2011 Melanie Linden Chan

© 2011 Melanie Linden Chan

Okay! See you again in a little bit... off to type up the next post! :D

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