
Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Gettin' Ready!!!


The SCBWI Spring Conference in Fitchburg, MA is fast approaching! I've got my new business cards and postcards printed, and I'm working on printing up my portfolio all nicey-nice like (and putting it into my new tablet for a better viewing experience). But my biggest issue had been my old website (still viewable at, but it won't be the same for long!). It was fun and all that, but I needed a site that allowed actual photo galleries versus the flippy things that offered in their templates. A friend of mine was kind enough to tell me about, and they are just what I needed (I super duper love them)!

A bit of a preview of the new site :)
So now you can visit my new website at or by typing, and either way you will get to my new and improved site. Much more professional looking with a touch of girly fun! I'm still adding and tweaking stuff here and there, but it is where it should be for the most part.

Let me know what you think, if you'd like. :)
Thanks for reading!


  1. Very nice design. The header font is a good choice. I really REALLY like the sketch of the girl with the water lilies.

  2. thanks Rain! yeah she's one of my favorites too. Figures I was half asleep when I sketched that! And I'm working on making a finished painting of her, but it's been taking me awhile. too busy :(
