
Wednesday, February 23, 2011

From Start to Finish: Drawing Children, Final Project

Hello :)

So you probably have realized that I've got a LOT of catching up to do, blog-wise anyhow. I haven't posted the past few weeks' worth of in-class drawings and homework for the Drawing Children course, and yet tonight we just had our very last class!

It was a great little journey, going from babies and hands to every size and shape of children we could draw. I highly recommend those who are considering a career in children's books to take a class similar to this one, or to read through some of Andrew Loomis' books, and to DRAW SOME CHILDREN. It certainly helped me a great deal!

But anyhow, I'm jumping ahead to our last project, because I'm super excited about it. After six weeks of child-drawing, and six weeks of learning more on how to make a world look more convincing, I'm pretty pleased with the quality of my work. Things just work better, now that I have a better idea of what I'm doing! And I will be backposting the previous weeks worth of work over the next few days.

So this is how I created the latest finished piece:

My original sketch, from our model in class.
© Melanie Linden Chan 2011

The girl needs a world to live in!
© Melanie Linden Chan 2011

Transferred onto Arches Hot Press watercolor paper.
© Melanie Linden Chan 2011

Windsor Blue watercolor wash.
© Melanie Linden Chan 2011

Base layer of color.
© Melanie Linden Chan 2011

More color, along with Caran d'Ache crayons.
© Melanie Linden Chan 2011

Added some Prismacolor pencilwork.
© Melanie Linden Chan 2011

I came up with a little poem to go along with the art, so I can submit to Spider Magazine! We'll see if I make it in (and I'll keep ya updated), but here's the final product:
© Melanie Linden Chan 2011
And since I will be taking the Spring and Summer off from CE classes, I will have time to work/finish my book dummy, submit it, prepare for the NESCBWI Spring Conference, and work on SuperSecretProject #2! All because I want to. Isn't that nice???

I think so! :D

1 comment:

  1. Very nicely done! Good luck with Spider. I used to have a subscription to Cricket as a kid.
