
Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Creating Worlds, Weeks 2&3: Shape Psychology & Line


Been a bit busy, so here I'm catching up...

In Week Two we talked about shape psychology, and how shapes affect or moods and feelings. It can be best described in Molly Bang's book: "Picture This: How Pictures Work" Our assignment was to draw two compositions, one that gives off negative feelings and one that gives off positive feelings, all based upon the shapes and lines that we use.

Image Copyright Melanie Linden Chan, 2011

Image Copyright Melanie Linden Chan, 2011

Image Copyright Melanie Linden Chan, 2011
The drawings aren't in a finished form- I'd rather paint them and add some neat characters before I consider them finished. But the assignment was complete in essence, so I will be working on them again in the near future.

Week Three was all about line, and the ways we use value and line choice to draw the viewer in or out. Texture is also a part of it. Good examples are found in Andrew Loomis' drawing books, and Maurice Sendak was one of the artists mentioned as well.

Image Copyright Melanie Linden Chan, 2011

Image Copyright Melanie Linden Chan, 2011
Once again, not one hundred percent finished! But I would like to paint this one as well, for my portfolio.

This coming week we are drawing a world that contains a specific motif, or theme. I'll post that one when it's finished in a few days! Well, off to draw some kiddos, see you soon! :)


  1. Melanie,
    I love the sketches and hope you will post the finished sketch in your blog...
    AND, if you do get to make it a portfolio piece I certainly look forward to seeing that too!
    Very cute...

    Take Care,
    cathy parker breese
