
Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Happy Blogoversary to Me!

It's official: I have been blogging for a whole year now! Woo hoo, gooo me!

I wanted to do something special for my blog, so I started this little drawing but I haven't finished it yet. I want to before the week is over, but I've got classes and homework to do too!

Copyright Melanie Linden Chan 2011

But I have to say, I'm quite glad I started this blog. I can look back a year ago and see how much I have learned, and how I've grown as an artist and even as a writer. I have exposed my art to lots of people, (and I've got 2,800something hits!) family and friends included, and it helps to keep me accountable and busy. I can keep track of my goals better and achieve them knowing I might have an audience to yell at me if I don't!

Dearest Blog, Thank You for all you've done for me! And thanks to my followers for your support and, er, following! One day I will be a published artist/author, and I hope you stick around until then. It truly has been a great journey so far- in fact, it's been a real Hoot!

Happy First Birthday, It's a Hoot!!!

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