
Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Drawing Children: Adult & Child

For homework we were asked to draw some images of a child with an adult. It must be the same adult and child in different poses and situations, so we get a handle of how the two interact.

I did my best (after perusing my sister-in-law's Picasa site), considering I don't draw people. But if I'm going to illustrate children's books, I should definitely be drawing people!

ALL images are Copyright Melanie Linden Chan, 2011.

I'm also starting a sketchbook. I think I've mentioned before that sketchbooks and I are not really on the same page (hehe), because I like to draw on scrappy paper and such. However, it is indeed time for me to give it a serious effort, and so I shall. I'll post my drawings as they come along!

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