
Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Time Flies When You're an Aspiring Children's Book Artist

I've been thinking a lot (I know, risky of me isn't it?) lately about how much I have changed, and my life's direction re-routed, over the past year. I think it is because it was around this time last summer when I had decided to really DO something with my life and my talent, and I still can't believe it is happening!

That lazy summer morning, when I was thinking about signing up for classes at RISD to achieve one of my life's dreams (which was becoming a RISD student), I said to myself, "What the hey, might as well check it out anyhow," who'd have thought that I would also find my life's calling?

And since that time, I have almost completed my RISD CE Certificate requirements, established myself as an online presence, made a TON of new friends, written a final and complete children's book manuscript (as well as many others that are not so complete), started a crit group, turned my spare room into a studio, became a member of SCBWI, read every book I can find on the topic, and I am still learning and loving it all!

*sigh* I am SO glad I finally decided to follow my dreams!  :)

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