
Thursday, June 10, 2010

Field Trip: San Francisco!

Hi there!

It may seem I've gone missing the past few days, but really I've only gone on vacation! Hooray! There's nothing like the well-deserved break from the daily grind to bring one's spirits up. Hubby, family, and I have visited our usual haunts and foodie spots, but this time I had some new places to visit: Bookstores!

I was lucky enough to catch a glimpse of some really old and rare children's books at The Children's Book Gallery at 49 Geary Street, off Union Square in Downtown San Francisco. The owners were away, but a kind man named Bryan was babysitting the place (also while manning the John Windle bookstore across the hall), and he allowed us to view some of their goodies. Of course, I'm not familiar with antique bookstore protocol, and naturally I was too shy (yes, I tend to clam up when I'm not on the home-front) to ask to see what was hiding in the many drawers and storage units, but it was a delight just the same! Here are some photos of what was on display; but you can check out their catalogue to see more:

Original Watercolor art and text.

Books by Walter Crane

Book Displays!

Pretty awesome, don't you think? Anyone interested in purchasing these gems can do so, if you are so inclined (and so lucky!).  Just be sure to visit their site for more information!

I was also lucky enough to find Green Apple Books, a three-level book store that features both used and new books.  The children's section, though small, kept me occupied  for quite some time! I didn't get any shots of inside the shop, (perhaps I will have to go will probably need some more visuals... yes, must go back...) but I got one of the cute sign out front:

Bookstores are dangerous places for people like me.  Not only do they give me that crazy-eye look (can't get enough...want to see more!), but they are also vortexes of time, and mysterious holes appear in my pockets and wallet when I walk through the door. Good thing hubby was there to restrain me a bit.  

Good thing.


  1. awesome! I live near SF and have never been to The Children's Book Museum. I have, however, wasted much time at Green Apple! Hope you had fun in the bay!!

  2. You know, I saw on your blog that mural you did for your church, and I'm wishing I had known about it sooner to check it out. I'll have to add that to my list! We always have a blast in SF, and we eat WAY too much!
