
Thursday, May 6, 2010

Cover Letters & Dummies

Hi there!  Been a few days, hasn’t it?  Worry not- I’ve only been a busy bee, finishing up old projects, starting up new ones, and writing things like cover letters. *shudder* 

We’ve just about finished our manuscripts in my writing class, so now I have my very own written book I can submit to publishers!  I’ve done my research and have a few places I’d like to send it to, (though I won’t send them until my book dummy is done).  And we are now working on our cover letters, which is a rather daunting task that needs a few trials and errors before we get them right.  But my teacher, the ever-awesome person that she is, has posted some tips for writing cover letters on her blog.  I’ve also found some good things to read about cover letters on Nathan Bransford’s site. (Scroll down and look to the left on his page, and you'll see more writing tips and stuff.)

Book Dummy, you say?  If you’re not familiar with what a book dummy is, just imagine a sample book (smaller than actual size, but to scale) with text and images the way they will look when the book is finished.  Only two double-page spreads are in color, and the rest of the images are black and white final sketches.  The two color pages are copies of the actual art and color theme that will be used in the final book.  When you send a book dummy, you also must send separate copies of those final pieces of art, (which means you have to do the art!)  

Some nice little sites on book dummies: Ginger Nielson, Ginger's Blog, Bob Staake (I like him, he's silly)

Since I’ve made it my goal to go to the SCBWI NY Conference in January of 2011, I will need to be prepared with my completed book dummy, sample art and a manuscript to present during a meeting with an editor. (!!!!!!!!!)  Exciting, and just a little bit scary, isn’t it???!!!  That's why I will be taking a Book Dummy course this coming fall- I could do with a little more experience...and confidence!

There’s plenty more to come, but that’s for another blog entry.  I’ll keep you posted!

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