
Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Back to School!

Well, Spring has sprung, (in school, at least...) and we are starting a new semester!  Hooray!

So for my second Children's Book Illustration class, we are working on a mock "real" project, as if we were assigned this project in the professional world.  Yessss, finally some practice!  Our job is to do two double-page spreads of either a short story or a poem, both of which were provided for this project.  Learned something useful already:

**Do your sketches on tracing paper, over the original printed sheet that has the text layout.**

Well, duh to me!  I didn't think I would like it much, but it's actually very helpful.  I will post my sketches as they come, as long as you promise not to be mean and steal them.

Also, in my writing class we have been told to write for 10 minutes each day, which will help me to blog a bit more regularly, so we shall see where that goes!  I also learned of a few new sites, so I have posted them in a "For Writers" section somewhere in my right column over there. >>>>

Until next time!

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