
Projects In Progress

Here is the status of each of my ongoing Book projects. Sometimes it looks like I'm not getting much done, but believe me I am! I can't share all the details- I must protect the stories until they are ready to shine! But fear not, I'm actively working on publishing these stories, and the many more hiding in my Idea Book.

Biggest and Most Current Project:

Little Raindrop's Big Adventure Plunge, Project #4 (Summer 2011-Current)
This story about the water cycle, from the point of view of a raindrop, and is written by third grade teacher, Richard Halttunen. The book's age range is from 3rd 2nd Grade to 5th Grade (6-10), depending on the child's reading level, and will be a chapter book/graphic novel hybrid/journal. We could probably call it an Illustrated Chapter Book, but I don't know the proper term. Lots of words and new vocabulary, but lots of fun art mixed in! All of the information in the book complies with the teaching requirements for the subject of the water cycle and Earth Science, according to Fairfax County's (VA) public schools. We're aiming to have the book fit on the shelf quite nicely next to Captain UnderpantsBabymouse, Ellie McDoodle and the Stilton series, along with your favorite science books!

This project will be self-published, not vanity or print-on-demand, or published by a Big Publisher (unless somebody likes it and wants to sell it!). It will be designed, independently printed, marketed and sold by the author and myself. 

Contract has been signed and the first stage of sketching is underway! the first two chapters are in Book Dummy form. We are currently revising chapters five and six. Estimated time of publication is Spring of 2012 sometime in  perhaps late 2013 to early 2014. Little Raindrop has his own blog, Facebook and Twitter account, so check it out! :)

And Simmering Away on the Back Burners...

Dumpling Day, Project #5 (November 2011-Current)
This picture book story is a result of PiBoIdMo 2011, and a Writing For Children workshop I took at RISD taught by editing pro Marlo Garnsworthy. The manuscript is ready for submission, but I prefer to submit a whole dummy, so the art is in progress. and though I wish to submit a whole dummy, it's been a whole year and I haven't touched the thing (due to my working on Little Raindrop). So I'm going to move forward send it out here and there!

A Woolly Tale, Project #1 (2009-current)
A children's picture book, written and illustrated by me. In rough book dummy form, but the manuscript is complete. I want to re-work the style of the art to better fit the humorous story. I plan to submit this book the traditional way; I am not planning a digital e-book format for this story, (not until after it has been traditionally published). As of Spring 2011, this manuscript was critiqued by Mr. Harold Underdown at the NESCBWI 2011 conference. Got some excellent feedback and have a re-write to do!

A picture book about a Pug written by an independent author, who is hiring me to do the illustrations. Contract is under negotiation, has shown interest in hiring me to do the art. I'm sworn to secrecy via our Nondisclosure Agreement. :) I have done quite a bit of sketches and layouts, and we're due for a sit-down to talk business. This book will be self-published and distributed via Indie Author. She's a super busy bee, running her own business, so this project might take some time to truly get underway.

Bungee Bunny, Project #3 (2009-current)
A picture book both written and to be illustrated by me. It's short and sweet, and destined for cyberspace- I think it'll be a GREAT e-book, with lots of action and an awesome digital mashup of art. I can just feel it. Anyhow, I've got to edit my manuscript on this one, and once that has been perfected I shall do the art. I've already done some of the major idea work and my main character has been established.

And crammed in a dusty drawer, covered in cobwebs but still on my mind...
...Is the rusty, million-pages-of-notes manuscript of my Young Adult (perhaps MG) fantasy novel! I started writing it in the Fall of 2007, and worked on it until I started classes Fall of 2009. It needs a serious re-write because I've learned SO much since then, but I still love the story and can't wait to get back to it. It's just one of those stories that needs to be told, and if I'm lucky, read. It's a book that if someone else had written it, I would have it on my bookshelf alongside all my other favorite books... and hopefully I can revise it (and revise and revise) well enough that maybe it will be sitting there among the Greats one day!

I've got a Bucket List of more stories, (including ideas from Picture Book Idea Month 2011)...
...but I won't pursue those just yet. I'm super excited about them though! I really love the process of writing a story, plotting everything out, planning and organizing ideas, editing, and then following through with art and design that pulls it all together. It's something I can do my whole life through! And on top of that, will all the new things I've learned while working on Little Raindrop, about marketing and all the hats a Self-Publisher has to wear, I've found I've truly found my place in the world. All this stuff is just fun, Fun, FUN!!! :D