
Tuesday, November 27, 2012

From Start to Finish: Peaceful Pets

Here is my latest piece, From Start to Finish, destined for a friend's custom Christmas card! The animal portraits are based on a real cat and dog who ACTUALLY like to snuggle! Here they are in real life:

Image ©2012 Melanie Linden Chan

Image ©2012 Melanie Linden Chan

Image ©2012 Melanie Linden Chan

Aren't they the CUTEST?!?!

Anyway, my friend wanted something that conveyed peace, and something warm and cozy, and a bit on the sketchy side. I tried so hard not to tighten up my lines like I always do! But I ended up doing it anyway. Partially. (You'll see what I mean...)

Image ©2012 Melanie Linden Chan

Image ©2012 Melanie Linden Chan

Image ©2012 Melanie Linden Chan

Image ©2012 Melanie Linden Chan

Inking Stage:
Image ©2012 Melanie Linden Chan

Image ©2012 Melanie Linden Chan

Image ©2012 Melanie Linden Chan

Image ©2012 Melanie Linden Chan

Image ©2012 Melanie Linden Chan

Pencil and Finishing Stage:
Image ©2012 Melanie Linden Chan

Image ©2012 Melanie Linden Chan

Image ©2012 Melanie Linden Chan

Final Piece
Image ©2012 Melanie Linden Chan
Image ©2012 Melanie Linden Chan

I'm pretty proud of this one, though I wish I had moved everything up and to the left by half an inch. But it looks great cropped!

Happy Holidays, and wishing you all this kind of cozy Peace that our fuzzy friends enjoy each and every day!